The organizer of COTTM2019 (China Outbound Travel & Tourism 2019) announced officially that the E. Breuninger GmbH & Co. has confirmed to participate in COTTM2019, The first time tparticipation of E. Breuninger GmbH & Co. to attend COTTM and the E. Breuninger GmbH & Co. will share new travel information and products in COTTM2019. Looking forward to meeting you again at their stand NO. 510.
Breuninger 德国百货商厦成立于1881年,汇聚高级时装,名牌美妆及奢侈品箱包等,如今已发展成欧洲领军的百货之一。在其超过4万平米的斯图加特旗舰店内,Bottega Veneta, Burberry, Céline, Chloé, Dior, Gucci, Jimmy Choo, La Mer, Rimowa 等新款奢侈品给您带来非凡的品牌盛宴。Breuninger 杜塞尔多夫分店面积逾1.5万平米,位于杜塞尔多夫市中心,其奢侈品荟萃购物环境极佳。Breuninger百货秉承顾客至上原则:私人导购,量体裁衣,退税服务,WIFI覆盖,银联,支付宝和微信支付,高档奔驰专车接送保障了独一无二的购物体验。春节,黄金周及光棍节期间,Breuninger 百货向中国客人提供专属购物优惠。
Breuninger, a fashion and lifestyle company, was founded in 1881 and has established itself as one of Europe's leading department stores. In its flagship store in Stuttgart, luxury brands such as Bottega Veneta, Burberry, Céline, Chloé, Dior, Gucci, Jimmy Choo and Rimowa are brought together across more than 40,000 m² of shop floor. In 2013, Breuninger opened its exclusive 15,000 m² department store with high-class brands and excellent services in the city centre of Düsseldorf. Breuninger also has a distinctive customer focus: personal Shopping, in-house tailoring, tax-free shopping, free WIFI, Mercedes-Benz shuttle, Alipay and WeChat pay.……
中国出境旅游交易会(COTTM)是由英国塔苏斯集团(Tarsus Group)自2005年在中国创办组织,定位于中国出境旅游市场的B2B专业展览会。截至目前,COTTM已在北京成功举办了十四届。