COTTM秀展商┃Geo Travel Azerbaijan:阿塞拜疆、格鲁吉亚和伊朗的一站式旅游服务商!

日前,中国出境旅游交易会COTTM)主办方宣布已签约Geo Travel Azerbaijan参展COTTM2019Geo Travel Azerbaijan首次参展中国出境旅游交易会COTTM)2019415-17日,与您相约北京全国农业展览馆(新馆),展位号:532,欢迎前来洽谈合作!

The organizer of COTTM2019 (China Outbound Travel & Tourism 2019) announced officially that the Geo Travel Azerbaijan has confirmed to participate in COTTM2019, this is The first time tparticipation of Geo Travel Azerbaijan to attend COTTM and the Geo Travel Azerbaijan will share new travel information and products in COTTM2019. Looking forward to meeting you again at their stand NO. 532. 


Geo Travel是一家专业经营阿塞拜疆和格鲁吉亚入境旅游的旅行社。 提供: -阿塞拜疆、格鲁吉亚和伊朗的私人导游 -全面签证服务 -商务及会展旅游 -丝绸之路历险游学 -地毯、葡萄酒及其他特别旅行团 -适合团体定制旅游 -高加索豪华旅行 -联合国教科文组织遗产

Geo Travel is a tour operator specializing in inbound tours to Azerbaijan and Georgia. We offer: - Private guided tours through Azerbaijan, Georgia & Iran - Full Visa support services - Business & MICE Travel - Silk Road adventure & study travel - Carpet, wine and other special tours - FIT & Group Tailor-made tours - Luxury travel to Caucasus - UNESCO Heritage sites.



注:该展商推介内容(展商秀中)被点赞达 100人次(请参考以下例子),主办方将提供给该展商在COTTM2019会刊上免费广告1p(尺寸为:210mm*297mm)



中国出境旅游交易会(COTTM)是由英国塔苏斯集团(Tarsus Group)2005年在中国创办组织,定位于中国出境旅游市场的B2B专业展览会。截至目前,COTTM已在北京成功举办了十四届。

