The organizer of COTTM2019 (China Outbound Travel & Tourism 2019) announced officially that the Georgian National Tourism Administration has confirmed to participate in COTTM2019, this is the sixth times of Georgia to attend COTTM and the administration will share new travel information and products about Georgian in COTTM2019. Looking forward to meeting you again at their stand NO. 420.
LEPL -格鲁吉亚国家旅游局是一个公法法律实体,是格鲁吉亚经济和可持续发展部系统的一部分,由国家控制独立开展活动。 格鲁吉亚国家旅游局(GNTA)的目标和目的是形成和实现格鲁吉亚的旅游业发展的国家政策,促进旅游业的可持续发展,促进高出口收入增长和创造就业的国家旅游发展的基础上,吸引外国游客的格鲁吉亚和国内旅游的发展,促进人力资源开发领域的旅游目的地,基础设施和旅游。
LEPL – Georgian National Tourism Administration is a Legal entity of Public law, a part of the system of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia, independently conducting activity by state control. Goals and objectives of the Georgian National Tourism Administration (GNTA) are formation and implementation of the Georgian tourism development state policy, promotion of the sustainable tourism development, promotion of a high export income growth and job creation in the country on the basis of the tourism development, attraction of the foreign tourists to Georgia and development of the domestic tourism as well, promotion of human resources development in the field of tourism destinations, infrastructure and tourism.
注:该展商推介内容(展商秀中)被点赞达 100人次(请参考以下例子),主办方将提供给该展商在COTTM2019会刊上免费广告1p(尺寸为:210mm*297mm)
中国出境旅游交易会(COTTM)是由英国塔苏斯集团(Tarsus Group)自2005年在中国创办组织,定位于中国出境旅游市场的B2B专业展览会。截至目前,COTTM已在北京成功举办了十四届。